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Dos and Don’ts of LinkedIn for Sales People

Dos and Don’ts of LinkedIn for Sales People July 17, 20221 Comment

Networking: It’s essential when succeeding in sales, but it certainly isn’t easy. Perhaps you’ve mastered networking at events and over the phone. But now that digital options like LinkedIn – exist, another complicated layer has been added, and you may be wondering how to make connections with this relatively new tool.

While learning the ropes of LinkedIn takes time and patience, here are a few dos and don’ts of the professional social network to help you get started:


  • Do use a professional profile picture. FaceTime is an integral element of the sales process. While a prospect seeing your picture on LinkedIn isn’t itself face time, the ability to put a face with a name and company is an essential reference point for potential customers before and after in-person meetings.
  • Do make your messages personalized. When reaching out to prospects, do what you can to make your messaging personalized. Something that appears to be a form letter sent out to anyone and everyone will likely go straight to the digital trash bin.
  • Do add meaningful updates to your profile. Besides keeping your professional information up to date on your LinkedIn page, be sure to update it frequently with links to your company’s newest blog post or industry news.


  • Don’t reach out to potential connections without doing proper research. You wouldn’t cold call a prospect without doing proper background research first. As LinkedIn connections are also potential customers, use the same logic; before reaching out, you need to understand a potential connection’s challenges and be prepared to explain why being connected with you is advantageous for them.
  • Don’t use too much jargon when reaching out to potential connections. Very few people are fans of wordy messages. For better reception of your messages, keep things simple.
  • Don’t forget to check your spelling and grammar. While your profession is sales and not editing, people will still question your professionalism if your profile is riddled with errors. Make an effort to keep your copy neat and clean.

This brief overview is just the tip of the iceberg regarding leveraging new technologies and tactics in the sales process. Contact us today if you’d like more information on how we’ve helped other companies build winning sales organizations.

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